FW: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Problems starting JACK

Michael T D Nelson m_nels at gmx.net
Fri Jul 8 07:36:01 PDT 2005

Mark Knecht wrote:

>Michael T D Nelson wrote:
>>Mike Jewell wrote:
>>>Those *fifo* files you found are on my system as well.
>>>I deleted them and it didn't help.
>>>Rebooting fixed it so qjackctl will start up JACK ok.
>>>Sure is a pain when it happens.  Rebooting to fix application problems
>>>is "so Windows".     8^)
>>Thinking about this some more...
>>Now, I would imagine that these files are deleted when jack is stopped.
>>Once (maybe twice) someone else who lives here accidentally pulled the
>>power to my machine. (I think it's time to get a UPS. If only I were
>>wealthy...) I'm guessing it's possible that these files were not removed
>>when jack was rudely interrupted, and that this caused the problem.
>In all likelihood, yes, that's exactly what caused it. The files are
>normally removed when Jack terminates cleanly, and the files are the
>only method Jack has to determine if another copy of Jack is running.
>Rebooting is not necessary. Rebooting will not clean up the files.
>After some bad system event, like pulling the power, you just have to
>do it by hand.
Well, you say that rebooting is not necessary. It *is* true that rebooting alone does not help at all. The files stay in place, and jack won't start.

However, if I simply remove the files, I can't get jack to start, until I reboot the machine. Does anyone understand why this is? I guess I should probably go and ask this on the jack mailing list, but I'm already signed up to more lists that I can keep up with - especially after having a forced break from the Internet for a couple of weeks...



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