[PlanetCCRMA] FC2 to FC3 upgrade - possible?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jul 7 10:56:01 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 11:53, Mark Knecht wrote:
>    Can an upgrade be done using apt and the Planet repositories:
> 1) I think maybe no more kernels are forthcoming for FC2 machines any
> more? It seems all the edgy kernels are just FC3/FC4.

For now :-) Is there anything you are missing with the existing ones in

> 2) I run Aqualung everyday. Unfortunately a new version requires a
> bump in gtk to 2.6 or higher but this isn't in synaptic as far as I
> can see.

Yep, I would never try to include an upgrade to anything as basic as gtk
in Planet CCRMA (a lot depends on it). So, yes, I guess if you need that
you will have to upgrade to fc3. 

>    How is an upgrade like this done, presuming it can be done.  Can I
> change sources.list from fedora/2/ to fedora/3/ and then just do an
> update/dist-upgrade? Sounds dangerous to me.

It is :-) It is possible to do it but I have not tried. You may want to
google for successfull experiences from others. I would try a phased
approach, meaning don't upgrade everythin at once. But I don't know how
I would go about it till I try. 

-- Fernando

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