[PlanetCCRMA] another fc3 kernel on the edge (2.6.12-0.9.rdt)

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Wed Jul 6 18:24:01 PDT 2005

Peter Lutek wrote:
> Peter Lutek wrote:
>> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 00:12, Peter Lutek wrote:
>>>> Peter Lutek wrote:
>>>>> tried it on my FC3 laptop.... boots ok, but qjackctl sends the 
>>>>> machine into a hard lock trying to start jack.
>>>>> hmmm......guess i should try starting jack from the command line, 
>>>>> eh? but i'm loathe to be forced to hit that power switch again!
>>>> ok... with this new kernel and alsa stuff, i tried the following 
>>>> command line to start jack:
>>>> jackd -v -R -d alsa -C -P -dhw:1 -r44100 -p128 -n2 -D
>>>> piping the output to a file didn't work because the machine locks up 
>>>> tight as a drum -- can't even get to another login terminal. 
>>>> however, i did observe the following in the jack output:
>>>> required capabilities not available
>>>> capabilities: =
>>>> and then later (after all the i/o channels of my multiface appear to 
>>>> have come up):
>>>> 4935 waiting for signals
>>>> ...and then it just sits there, completely locked up.
>>>> (the number at the beginning of that line changes each time i try it)
>>>> if anyone out there has any idea what's going on, please let me know!
>>> Sounds like a kernel bug (lockup).
>>> Not much I can do, but there is yet another edge kernel should you wish
>>> to try it. In the usual place (planetedge repository) for fc3 and in
>>> planetcore for fc4, version is 2.6.12-0.12.rdt, "apt-get install
>>> planetccrma-core-edge" should get it as usual...
>> turns out the issues i was having with my 2.6.11 system were due to 
>> the multi-band eq plugin (in steve harris' package). i decided to try 
>> this new 2.6.12-0.12 kernel anyway, and it does not lock up for me as 
>> 2.6.12-0.9 did.
>> so far, if i avoid the multi-band plugin, it's looking rock solid for me!
>> thanks again, fernando!
> ugh.... i spoke too soon. i've just experienced my stopped playback and 
> xrun "storm" issue which i described over in lau, on a session which 
> doesn't contain the multi-band plugin.
> i'm assuming this is not kernel-related, because i saw this on 2.6.11 as 
> well.
> back to the drawing board.

i'm continuing this issue only on the LAU list......


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