[PlanetCCRMA] another fc3 kernel on the edge (2.6.12-0.9.rdt)

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jul 6 11:09:01 PDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 23:57, Louis van Dompselaar wrote:
> I tried 2.6.12-0.12 on my FC3 yesterday and it ran for about 5 minutes before
> locking up solidly.  And I didn't even have to do anything.  Went for
> a coffee and when I came back it was dead. 

Arghhh... sorry...

> Anyway, I've gone back to
> 2.6.12-0.9.rdt which has been fine for me ever since Fernando released it.
> Louis

I emailed Ingo about your case, let me know if you have the resources
and time to try to track this down, it would require a second machine
(both with serial ports) so that the main machine can send information
when it locks up through the serial port to the second machine which
would log it... I have more info that Ingo sent me about how to do this
(I have not tried myself)

-- Fernando

> (Athlon XP 2800+ on an MSI board with VIA chipset and SATA disk)
>  >> In the usual place (planetedge repository) for fc3 and in
> >> planetcore for fc4, version is 2.6.12-0.12.rdt, "apt-get install
> >> planetccrma-core-edge" should get it as usual.

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