[PlanetCCRMA] Laptop + CCRMA

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jul 6 09:11:01 PDT 2005

Theres this:
I dont know if its the most up to date list though.

In general I've found that most laptop cards are supported, but the
quality can be very bad. Its best to investigate. One laptop I was looking
at recently (Dell d610 IIRC) had loads of reports from users of noises on
the soundcard output, making it unusable.

- Steve

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 04:03:05 +0200, Henk Jansen wrote:
> I couldn't find any information on the Planet CCRMA website, hence this
> question:
> What is a good and affordable laptop (price range $500-$1000) for music
> and recording applications particularly when using the Planet CCRMA
> software? Is there any documentation on what soundcards are supported?
> --Burley
> -- 
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