[PlanetCCRMA] another fc3 kernel on the edge (2.6.12-0.9.rdt)

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Tue Jul 5 10:21:01 PDT 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 04:30, Peter Lutek wrote:
>>Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 00:12, Peter Lutek wrote:
>>>>Peter Lutek wrote:
>>>>>tried it on my FC3 laptop.... boots ok, but qjackctl sends the machine 
>>>>>into a hard lock trying to start jack.
>>>>>hmmm......guess i should try starting jack from the command line, eh? 
>>>>>but i'm loathe to be forced to hit that power switch again!
>>>>ok... with this new kernel and alsa stuff, i tried the following command 
>>>>line to start jack:
>>>>jackd -v -R -d alsa -C -P -dhw:1 -r44100 -p128 -n2 -D
>>>>piping the output to a file didn't work because the machine locks up 
>>>>tight as a drum -- can't even get to another login terminal. however, i 
>>>>did observe the following in the jack output:
>>>>required capabilities not available
>>>>capabilities: =
>>>>and then later (after all the i/o channels of my multiface appear to 
>>>>have come up):
>>>>4935 waiting for signals
>>>>...and then it just sits there, completely locked up.
>>>>(the number at the beginning of that line changes each time i try it)
>>>>if anyone out there has any idea what's going on, please let me know!
>>>Sounds like a kernel bug (lockup). 
>>>Not much I can do, but there is yet another edge kernel should you wish
>>>to try it. In the usual place (planetedge repository) for fc3 and in
>>>planetcore for fc4, version is 2.6.12-0.12.rdt, "apt-get install
>>>planetccrma-core-edge" should get it as usual...
>>thanks, fernando... i'll try that one AFTER the big project i'm working 
>>on now!
>>however, i'm also getting the "required capabilities not available" 
>>message with my current working kernel (2.6.11-0.3.rdt.rhfc3.ccrma), and 
>>the next line says:
>>"capabilities: = cap_ipc_lock,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource+e"
>>qjackctl shows "RT" after jack has started, so i'm assuming realtime 
>>operation is actually ok as user, but i'm wondering about that error 
>>any clues?
> Yes, use "jackd" instead of "jackstart". Jackstart will complain but do
> the right thing. With the new rtlimit (or the lsm kernel module)
> capabilities are not needed anymore (or jackstart, for that matter).

i AM using jackd. is the "required capabilities not available" complaint 
normal and not a problem, even with jackd?


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