[PlanetCCRMA] upgrading ccrma to FC4 from FC1 question

tom poe tompoe at fiai.net
Sat Jul 2 15:10:01 PDT 2005

I haven't read the wonderful words of Fernando in the
ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/ section since at least last
year, so will do that, shortly.  I have always had 56k modem capability,
and keeping CCRMA current was always a big problem for me, personally. 
I have relocated to the midwest, and the internet access choices are
Third World quality.  :)

I am now paying huge bucks for a DSL connection that gives me 27Kb/s
download time.  This makes keeping current a lot more doable.  So,
having successfully "dist-upgrade" with apt, my FC1 stands ready to make
the push to get to FC4, using just my DSL connection (I don't have a
CD/RW drive available).  Is there a preferred approach described for
accomplishing this goal?

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