[PlanetCCRMA] DiGi9652 or HDSP9652 ?

Michele Spinolo michele.spinolo at tin.it
Sat Feb 26 06:04:02 PST 2005

Hi guys,

I'm going to buy one of these cards, and I was wondering what about the
differences from one to each other and concernig ALSA's support.
By ALSA's website seems they are completly supported, but I would like to
have some users' confimations.

On RME website I focused this words:

 HDSP 9652 is the long-awaited successor of the well-known PCI card Project
Hammerfall (DIGI9652). Like the original Hammerfall, HDSP 9652 offers 3 x
ADAT optical I/O, ADAT-Sync In, SPDIF I/O and word clock I/O. On top, there
are 2 MIDI I/Os and TotalMix, a DSP-based real-time mixer/router.

apart from MIDI I/Os which I do not care about, I didn't understand what
TotalMix will do on HDSP9652 and under Linux.

Thanks in advance to anyone who will help!

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