[PlanetCCRMA] multiple card synching

Michele Spinolo michele.spinolo at tin.it
Thu Feb 24 16:04:01 PST 2005

I also found z8-src from z-sys:


which is a 8 channel aes/ebu ASRC, which is what I really need: unluckily
it's really expansive (more than 2500$ :-( ), and it's in aes/ebu format, so
I should buy a s/pdif to aes/ebu converter too.

I also notice z-8.8a has a built in sample rate converter and it can accept
up to 24bit/96khz as input from s/pdif connectors and give up to 24bit/48Khz
as output on adat (it can manage unsycnhed input s/pdifs and output synched

The nice thing it can simultaneously convert adat input to s/pdif out: this
is a nice thing, because s/pdif dacs are easier to find.


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