[PlanetCCRMA] Re: jack-rack

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Feb 19 11:16:01 PST 2005

On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 08:17, jason.ronallo at gmail.com wrote:
> I've got a likely candidate for the problem now.  Wasn't thinking, now
> was I?  I'm running jackd 0.99.50cvs and jack-rack was compiled
> against jack 0.99.36.  I'm assuming that's the problem.

Yes, but the problem is probably that you have _both_ versions installed
now. It depends on what options you used to compile the cvs version,
usually you would want to use "--prefix=/usr", otherwise it will install
in /usr/local instead of /usr and will not overwrite the old stuff still
in /usr. So you have two different versions of jack, and things don't

-- Fernando

> On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 11:01:22 -0500, jason.ronallo at gmail.com
> <jason.ronallo at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Trying to run Jack-rack I get the following errors.  Jack is running
> > (using qjackctl).  From the archives it seems I can ignore the ladcca
> > errors, but how do I get it to see jackd?
> > $ jack-rack
> > cca_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
> > cca_init: could not connect to server 'localhost' - disabling ladcca
> > process_info_connect_jack: could not create jack client; exiting

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