[PlanetCCRMA] Yum enabling

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Feb 18 16:59:05 PST 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 16:49, Peter Lawler wrote:
> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> >On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 13:51, Peter Lawler wrote:
> >>I note you guys are using apt, however the fedora team (eg, #fedora, et 
> >>al) tend to recommend yum. I'd prefer to use yum rather than apt, and 
> >>this means I have to download your SRPMS and build them myself, to save 
> >>any dependency hell that may arise.
> >
> >"Dependency Hell" would be the same for both yum and apt. They do the
> >same thing and they can be installed side by side (but there is no nice
> >graphical front end to yum like synaptic, not that I use it). 
> Apt also can't handle 32/64 bit libraries side by side (so I'm told). 
> Yum's much better for that (so I'm told). 

It's true, apt can't yet handle the 64 bit versions of redhat/fedora.

> If this is true, I'd urge you 
> to use yum so that 64 bit systems that don't have native 64 bit 
> libraries for your programs should work (from what I'm told)... or 
> something like that.

Well, I don't support 64 bit systems yet, not even tried one. I'll cross
that bridge when I have (time?) to. 

> Re: gui for FC3 - try yumex, I'm using it right now. Very nice!
> http://fedoranews.org/tchung/
> >>Are there any plans for yum enabling FC3 CCRMA? Or is there a yum 
> >>enabled mirror?
> >
> >FC3's yum uses a different metadata format than the previous versions,
> >so I have to yet create the metadata for it. 
> install createrepo, makes it very easy.

It's in my list. 
-- Fernando

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