[PlanetCCRMA] Yum enabling

Peter Lawler planetccrma at six-by-nine.com.au
Fri Feb 18 16:50:03 PST 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 13:51, Peter Lawler wrote:
>>I note you guys are using apt, however the fedora team (eg, #fedora, et 
>>al) tend to recommend yum. I'd prefer to use yum rather than apt, and 
>>this means I have to download your SRPMS and build them myself, to save 
>>any dependency hell that may arise.
>"Dependency Hell" would be the same for both yum and apt. They do the
>same thing and they can be installed side by side (but there is no nice
>graphical front end to yum like synaptic, not that I use it). 

Apt also can't handle 32/64 bit libraries side by side (so I'm told). 
Yum's much better for that (so I'm told). If this is true, I'd urge you 
to use yum so that 64 bit systems that don't have native 64 bit 
libraries for your programs should work (from what I'm told)... or 
something like that.

Re: gui for FC3 - try yumex, I'm using it right now. Very nice!

>>Are there any plans for yum enabling FC3 CCRMA? Or is there a yum 
>>enabled mirror?
>FC3's yum uses a different metadata format than the previous versions,
>so I have to yet create the metadata for it. 

install createrepo, makes it very easy.

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