[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] updates: rosegarden, pvoc, many more for fc2 and below

Carlos Pino pino-jazz at telefonica.net
Thu Feb 17 03:03:03 PST 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano escribió:

>Some updates:
>* rosegarden updated to version 1.0-1
>* pvoc updated to version 0.1.10-1

 Hola Fernando ,saludos desde España, I'm on Fc3 and runing apt-get  
update/dist-upgrade got this output from the shell:

[root at localhost supertux]# apt-get update
Get:1 http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386 release [1423B]
Fetched 1423B in 0s (1732B/s)       
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core release
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/updates pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/updates release
Get:1 http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetccrma pkglist [175kB]
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetccrma release
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetcore pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetcore release
Fetched 175kB in 4s (43,0kB/s)              
Failed to fetch 
Size mismatch
Leyendo listas de paquetes... Done
Construyendo árbol de dependencias... Done
E: Hubo un fallo al descargar algunos archivos de índice. Se han 
ignorado o se han usado los antiguos.
[root at localhost supertux]# apt-get -u dist-upgrade
Leyendo listas de paquetes... Done
Construyendo árbol de dependencias... Done
Calculando actualización... Hecho
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded.

Till now everything was fine.
It's there something that I have to do?

 Muchísimas gracias por tu excelente trabajo y tu enorme generosidad.

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