[PlanetCCRMA] TclMidi problem - missing dev entries

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Feb 15 15:27:01 PST 2005

On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 14:33, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> Fixed. Didn't realise the dev file system was being built dynamically by
> udevd. Just needed to replace:
> KERNEL="midi[CD0-9]*",   NAME="snd/%k"
> with
> KERNEL="midi[CD0-9]*",   NAME="snd/%k", SYMLINK="midi%e"
> in /etc/udev/rules.d/_your_rules_file
> Is it possible to script this change as part of the alsa rpm?

Yes, I should add this somewhere, probably part of the alsa driver rpm.
I believe that links are not the proper answer to this particular
problem. The correct thing to do would be to create the proper oss midi
devices, you can see what should be created by running this (beware,
this will redo the oss devices): 
  cd /dev
  ./MAKEDEV midi
that will create the proper nodes with the proper major and minor

The devices in /dev/snd/midi* are raw ALSA midi devices, I don't know if
they are completely equivalent to raw OSS midi devices in all respects.

-- Fernando

> On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 11:55 +0000, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> > Dear list,
> > 
> > On my PlanetEdge/FC3 sytem, /dev entries required for TclMIDI,
> > i.e. /dev/midiX, (where X is the device number) do not exist. They were
> > not created when I installed the alsa rpm. If I create them manually (or
> > use the snddevices script), they work until I reboot, at which point
> > they are deleted.
> > 
> > Anybody got an idea what is deleting those links?

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