[PlanetCCRMA] Cdrom images

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Feb 14 10:55:02 PST 2005

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 02:52, Jean Batrel wrote:
> Can I ask you, Fernando : are you planning new releases for the cdrom 
> images (RedHat updates and Planet CCRMA)?
> I know you are very busy...
> My difficulty is : I have a slow internet connection at home but I 
> can easily download CDs at my office and must fully reinstall my RedHat 
> 9... Perhaps you can add this in the pipeline ?

I will add it to the pipeline, sorry it's taken me so long since the
last update. 

> I have another question : is the Fedora Core 2 problem (in a dual boot 
> configuration with Windows) solved in Fedora Core 3 ?

I have not heard of it so most probably it is fine now. 

> Finally, a new version of aeolus is out : aeolus-0.3.1 (and stops-0.1.1).

I know :-( There are a few more programs that I built newer versions of
when I rebuilt for fc3 but I have not had a chance to rebuild for <=

-- Fernando

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