[PlanetCCRMA] Upgrade problems

Andrew Longland-Meech andrew at longland-meech.me.uk
Wed Feb 9 10:19:00 PST 2005

Thanks everyone for your replies :)

Mark - No Samba or NFS mounts, nor any wireless devices.

Nando - No rh90 packages left. I did find several ccrma packages with a
build host of localhost.localdomain though. Now I know I haven't built
any packages, so does this mean you have a nameless machine at CCRMA?

Anyway, I went through everyones suggestions, but guess what? Over night
the problems had sorted themselves out!! I didn't do anything different
but everything's working now - typical!

I may go for FC2 now, so brace yourselves for screams of help from this
neck of the woods ;)
Andrew Longland-Meech <andrew at longland-meech.me.uk>

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