[PlanetCCRMA] Linux samplers and Akai sample format
Ben Cohen
benedict1000 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 4 11:16:01 PST 2005
Hello all,
Does anyone know of a linux sampler that can open akia
sample CDs? I've been looking around and I found 2
possible solutions but both are beyond me!
1. Wired
It says on the website (www.bloodshed.net/wired) that
it can read Akai samples. However I'm a newbie and my
atempts at compiling have all failed.
2. A VST sampler
I've been looking at the vstServer thing but have
problems with compiling the version of Wine that is
Any other ideas? Ideally I would like a RPM that I
could simply download and install but I guess I'd be
very lucky to find this!
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