[PlanetCCRMA] detailed envy24control documentation?

Matt Marian matt1 at mattmarian.homelinux.com
Fri Dec 30 06:24:03 PST 2005

Paul Coccoli wrote:

>On 12/29/05, D. R. Evans <doc.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Ah! I vastly simplified the problem and now things are making sense.
>>The combination of envy24control, Jack and ardour gave me too many
>>variables and all kinds of weird things were happening. (I hadn't
>>realised, although I suppose I should have, that Jack and ardour would
>>affect what I was seeing in envy24control.) When I stopped ardour and
>>jack so that I was just left with envy24control to deal with, then
>>things made much more sense.
>>The only thing that is not quite sensible is that the 1010LT appears
>>to be designed so that one can't just plug a guitar into one of the
>>non-XLR inputs and expect it to work -- I'm not sure what M-Audio
>>expects to be plugged into those phono sockets, but apparently it's
>>not an acoustic guitar with on-board electronics. It would have been
>>nice if something had mentioned that somewhere in the 1010LT
>>I'm not sure how earlier I had managed to arrange things so that with
>>ardour in the system I could hear the guitar at a good volume, even
>>though I couldn't record at the right level, but with ardour out of
>>the system, the guitar levels are very low. Easy enough to get around
>>by using one of the XLR jacks instead.
>>Thanks for the help and encouragement. I was really begining to doubt
>>my sanity for a while when nothing was making any sense.
>>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu
>I'm glad you're making progress.
>On the 1010LT, the non-XLR inputs are all line-level inputs.  They are
>not designed to be connected to a guitar.  The XLR inputs shouldn't be
>connected directly to a guitar, either.  I think those inputs are
>low-impedance, balanced mic inputs.  You should use a DI box to match
>the high-impedance guitar signal to the low-impedance mic pre on the
>1010LT.  I guess you can plug the guitar in to either type of input,
>but as you learned, it will be too low, and I think it probably would
>sound like poo.
>I think the manual must provide some insight into what should be
>connected to the two types of inputs.  My Delta 66 manual does. 
>Though I guess it doesn't really tell you what NOT to plug into it.
>Try this as a reference: http://www.tape.com/Bartlett_Articles/impedance.html

The 2 xlr inputs are defaulted to - active pre-amp inputs - which can be 
over-ridden by changing the jumper(s)
on the 1010LT. The other inputs are designed to be used with a mixer - 
using direct outs  or with mics(or anything)
using a direct box  or pre-amp. While you can plug your guitar into one 
of the - preamped XLR connections , a better approach would be to use a 
really good mic to capture the "acoustic" sound of the wooden 
instrument. That totally depends on what you are wanted to hear and - 
Basically - subjective.

1st version, leave the jumpers in default - use inputs 1  & 2 (the XLR) 
with mics and mic your guitar - RECORD it.
2nd version - change jumpers on card from pre-amp  position to 
line-level - use a mixer( mixing board)
plug all instruments /mics into physical board - use direct outs from 
board to inputs of soundcard. you now have a studio set up.     Utilize 
the physical  board - not so much as a "mixer" , but it does give you 
greater control of signal/gain . you would use envy24control as your  
level monitors , and the mixer in ardour to finesse and also to control 
the mastering later using jamin  etc.

Initially by adding the physical "mixingboard" into your system setup , 
does add one more element to potentially mess with you,you can  do this 
. Like you said, backing out and sorting 1 variable at a time makes it 
clearer in ones head - what is actually going on.
I find the best signal to noise ratio looks something like this  - the 
sliders on the physical "mixingboard" set to the lower side and the 
sliders on envy24control to high or max  - allows for the best signal to 
be recorded.
this is strictly my opinion- not based on engineering etc. anyone with 
more knowledge might challenge me and I am ok with that  - I am always 
up for learning . These are things that I have figured out through 
reading and trial and error.

good luck . - have fun !!


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>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu

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