[PlanetCCRMA] status for updated jack-audio-connection-kit
R Parker
rtp405 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 21 08:36:01 PST 2005
> In the your example, you should have as an Output
> Socket:
> Name: "Rosegarden Master Out"
> Client: "rosegarden"
> Plugs:
> 1. "master out L"
> 2. "master out R"
> and, as an example Input Socket:
> Name: "Ardour Master In"
> Client: "ardour"
> Plugs:
> 1. "Master/in 1"
> 2. "Master/in 2"
> then, if you connect these two sockets;
> "Rosegarden Master Out" -> "Ardour Master In"
If I recall that failed to connect which caused me to
Rosegarden Master Out L and
Rosegarden Master Out R
qjackctl-0.2.15-2.rhfc3.ccrma; I'm a hostage to
package management. Maybe there's a bug in my version
of Qjackctl.
> This is surely a topic open for ideas. Have you
> looked into the
> "competition" lately? I wonder how all that
> spaghetti can be handled
> visually by Dave Robillard's patchage.
I wonder too but insist upon being a Linux audio user
and have refused to play games compiling applications
like OM which have requirements that FC3 and CCRMA
don't meet. My strategy is failing. :) What to do,
what to do...
> Cheers.
> --
> rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
> rncbc at rncbc.org
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