[PlanetCCRMA] SMP Boot Problem Report

Timothy Polashek tim at tdpmusic.com
Tue Dec 20 08:05:01 PST 2005


I just tried the booting the latest edge FC4 Kernels after installing from a
fresh install of FC4.

Booting with 2.6.14-0.10.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma works just fine.

However, booting with 2.6.14-0.10.rrt.rhfc4.ccrmasmp always freezes the machine
at the "Starting networking" point of the boot process.

This problem persisted even after performing an "apt-get dist-upgrade" command.

I'd prefer during the smp version running to get the most out of both CPUs.  Has
anyone also experienced this problem with this kernel?  Or better yet, found a
way to fix it?



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