[PlanetCCRMA] New user; FC3 or FC4? Slowly getting there

Michael T D Nelson m_nels at gmx.net
Fri Dec 2 08:03:00 PST 2005

Jan Depner wrote:
> Uh-oh, bad situation.  I was running through apt-get dist-upgrade
> and my system overheated (I think) and died.  Now it won't do the
> dist-upgrade.  I get the following:
> Preparing...                ###########################################
> [100%]
>         file /usr/share/doc/HTML/pl/common/1.png conflicts between
> attempted installs of kde-i18n-Polish-3.4.2-0.fc4.1 and
> kdelibs-3.4.2-0.fc4.1
>         file /usr/share/doc/HTML/pl/common/10.png conflicts between
> attempted installs of kde-i18n-Polish-3.4.2-0.fc4.1 and
> kdelibs-3.4.2-0.fc4.1
>         file /usr/share/doc/HTML/pl/common/2.png conflicts between
> attempted installs of kde-i18n-Polish-3.4.2-0.fc4.1 and
> kdelibs-3.4.2-0.fc4.1
>         file /usr/share/doc/HTML/pl/common/3.png conflicts between
> attempted installs of kde-i18n-Polish-3.4.2-0.fc4.1 and
> kdelibs-3.4.2-0.fc4.1
>         file /usr/share/doc/HTML/pl/common/4.png conflicts between
> attempted installs of kde-i18n-Polish-3.4.2-0.fc4.1 and
> kdelibs-3.4.2-0.fc4.1
> .


I had the same problem a few days ago - on a straight FC4 machine - 
nothing to do with CCRMA. Probably nothing to do with overheating.

I just removed kde-i18n-Polish because I never use it. I assume you 
don't either?

I was actually using yum but the problem sounds identical.

Good luck
Michael Nelson

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