[PlanetCCRMA] Advice on Music Laptop?

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Sat Aug 27 06:44:02 PDT 2005

I have been using such a laptop for the last 12 or so months,
with fc2 and fc3 and planetccrma kernels.

Everything has been straight forward with running linux,
software, connecting hardware etc (apart from some troubles with
"denormal" numbers in certain apps in the beginning, which all
seem to have disappeared now).


>>> "HJ" == Henk Jansen <henk.jansen1 at tno.nl> writes:
HJ> What about a Dell Inspiron 8100? It's an old yet outstanding performer, 
HJ> reccommended as a very good "used-laptop item" 
HJ> (http://www.used-laptops-notebooks-guide.com/premium-used-laptops.html),
HJ> and Fedora Core 3 seems to be running fine on it
HJ> (http://www.cims.nyu.edu/~barnett/laptop_setup/). For music recording
HJ> purposes it also must be quiet and without electronic noise in the
HJ> circuit. Anyone experiences (or opinions) about the machine??
HJ> Thanks,
HJ> --Henk
HJ> On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 14:58, Henk Jansen wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm in the process of deciding which laptop to buy for good quality
>> music recording (obviously using the CCRMA software). Therefore I want
>> to buy a robust and toil free Linux compatible laptop connected to an
>> external soundcard. As regards the latter I've set my mind on an RME
>> Digiface, which will cost me around $500. With an estimated budget of
>> appr. $1200 for the overall system this leaves me with appr. $700 for a
>> laptop, which therefore (...I believe...?) should be 2nd hand (I'm
>> interested in a reasonably fast good quality computer rather than one
>> with all kind of fancy stuff). Now, I've read a good report about
>> Linux/Fedora on an IBM Thinkpad T30 (http://www.linux-laptop.net) which
>> I believe can be found within the limitations of my budget. I'd like to
>> see one question answered really however before I buy such a machine:
>> 1) Is it a good choice, or can better laptops (considering the purpose)
>> be bought (new or 2ndhand) for the same or little more money?
>> 2) I.o.w. what are good alternatives?
>> Thanks for your time and advice,
>> --Henk
HJ> -- 
HJ> Henk Jansen, MSc
HJ> TNO Defence & Security
HJ> The Hague, The Netherlands
HJ> phone: 31(0)70 374 02 15
HJ> email: henk.jansen1 at tno.nl
HJ> -- 
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