[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core - PlanetCCRMA - NVidia - OT

Brad Fuller brad at sonaural.com
Sun Aug 21 13:17:01 PDT 2005

Daniel Tonda Castillo wrote:

> Hello:
> It's been a while since I've written, but I've rarely had any trouble
> with Fedora Core and Planet.
> Just installed Fedora Core 4 in an Athlon machine with an old 16MB
> Nvidia Graphic card, a SBI128 PCI sound card, and a VIA* soundcard
> included in the Asus motherboard.
> I've been able to install the nvidia graphics driver in Fedora Core with
> the default kernel, from the atrpms nvidia driver. When I installed the
> Planet kernel 2.6.12-21 kernel, I can't build the Nvidia driver.
> It reports a kernel-version mismatch. I've tried copying it from the
> atrpms, but there's a message about 4K stack. From several readme's anda
> FAQ,s it recommends installing the kernel-devel package. Did it but it
> won't build for the planet kernel.
> ¿Can anyone share some pointers or do I have to stick to the nv driver?

It might be just me, but I always had problems mixing PlanetCCRMA and 
ATRPMs. So, I've stayed away from ATRPMs for my Planet-based PCs.

For nvidia, I just obtained the source from nvidia site and built. They 
have an easy was to do this and I just followed the directions. Some 
people have had problems, but I haven't.


Brad Fuller
(408) 799-6124
** Sonaural Audio Studios **
(408) 799-6123  West San Jose
(408) 799-6124  Cambrian
Hear us online: www.Sonaural.com

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