[PlanetCCRMA] possible trouble with newest FC3 updates
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 18 10:41:01 PDT 2005
On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 06:48, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> Since I had seen that fedora had updated a few things, and Fernanado
> had updated a few other things on FC3, that I'd use synaptic and
> get the files.
> Now I know that there were some things said about fedora's statement
> about don't expect other repositories to work with theirs? I guesss
> they may have proven their point?
> Here's the error I get from the apt system:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> While preparing for installation:
> file /usr/bin/sweep from install of lam-7.1.1-7.FC3 conflicts with file from package sweep-0.8.3-2.rhfc3.ccrma
> file /usr/share/man/man1/sweep.1.gz from install of lam-7.1.1-7.FC3 conflicts with file from package sweep-0.8.3-2.rhfc3.ccrma
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> I guess the above pretty much explains it!
> For myself, I decided that the sweep audio package is more important
> then the new lam package that fedora has brewed up, so I'll pass
> on upgrading lam for the time being.
Are you actually using lam? (the other option is obviously erasing it).
If so, do you know anything about "sweep" in lam-world?
Name collissions in something like /usr/bin are, I guess, unavoidable.
I've dealt with a couple myself in the past, luckily so far in
peripherial packages where I just renamed a random utility that
conflicted with a Fedora or RedHat package (can't remember which).
This time it is more complex because I can't obviously rename sweep (the
sound editor). The only other option would be to release a version of
lam with a name change for sweep if that does not affect lam's
-- Fernando
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