[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Problem with /usr/bin/jackstart

Ron Pepper feffer777 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 10 14:17:00 PDT 2005

> Well, it seems from the work you've done that it's not full duplex.
> I've heard of a couple of Creative Devices that weren't, but that
> was
> quite some time ago. I no longer have the earlier parts of this
> thread. Did you ever run and lspci -v and provide back the portion
> for
> the sound card? I suspose I could help look it up.

I think I did earlier, but I'll  redo it tonight when I get home.
> I think the fool proof test would be to take an audio cable and
> plug
> it between the output and the input. If you cannot record then most
> likely it's not full duplex.

That's a good idea, which I'll try before buying the card.

> > Maybe my best next step would be to buy and install a new
> soundcard.
> > What do you think? If so what would be a good choice? I'm not
> > interested in high end audio like many of CCRMA's users, but only
> > good quality for listening to music while I work, and being able
> to
> > play and record audio streams at the same time.
> > 
> Well, I think the best supported but good quality inexpensive PCI
> card
> would probably the AP2496 from M-Audio. you can get those
> immediately
> off of Ebay for <$75, maybe as low as $50. They work well. I have
> one
> around here although it's currently in a windows box. Anyway it
> works
> well.
> There are probably a few inexpensive USB devices but I don't think
> they are as stable as the AP2496.
> Hope this helps,
> Mark
Thanks for the specific suggestion, I'll check for it if the cable
out/in doesn't work, and maybe even if it does. Thank you very much
for all the detailed information, it was very helpful.


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