[PlanetCCRMA] planetedge kernels and POSIX semaphores

Charlls Quarra charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Aug 6 06:20:02 PDT 2005

 --- Charlls Quarra <charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar>

>  Hi,
> I've installed 2.4.26-1.ll. Looking in the config
> file
> i can't find a config option for enabling or
> configuring Posix semaphores. Any knows where can i
> learn about these options? Are they enabled in the
> kernel?. Im trying some basic shared memory code and
> i
> get errors like "sem_open: function not
> implemented"...

Looking a bit more into this, i found this mail from a
year ago:


Yikes, this is bad. I assume just applying some NPTL
patch to the kernel source and recompiling won't just

> On a related issue, what is the apt-get handle for
> planetedge kernels? is possible to try out 2.6
> kernels
> in my RH9 system?


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