[PlanetCCRMA] 64 bit Fedora Core 3?

Brad Fuller brad at sonaural.com
Sat Apr 23 17:12:01 PDT 2005

Mark Knecht wrote:

>On 4/23/05, pirrone <pirrone at localnet.com> wrote:
>>I've got a system scheduled to arrive soon on which I expect to try
>>Fedora Core 3 64-bit.   What support is there on the Planet for this OS
>>choice?  It's not clear looking at the site, or at least I couldn't find
>>anything on this.
>>Also, I assume when Fedora Core 4 is out that it would not at least
>>initially be possible to use this OS with the CCRMA software.  Is that
>>correct?  If so, when might this version of Fedora be supported?
>>humans may reply by deleting the x from my address
>>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu
>   I'm curious - is it an issue of support or is it an issue of
>optimization? I thought the FC3 kernel (and all others that I know of)
>run fine on AMD_64 processors but they just don't take advantage of
>the 64-bit nature of the processor.
I put together a mythtv box with FC2-64bit (AMD) and it was tough to get 
all of the apps in 64bit (this was 6 months ago). I had to build most of 
them myself and I ended up with a fractured KDE environment on top of it 
I could have gone the route of FC2-32bit and not worry about it -- but I 
didn't know there was so little support for 64-bit apps at the time. 
Most posts to this ml have suggested to stick with 32bit for now.

So, I'm curious to hear the responses of Frank's message.

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