[PlanetCCRMA] qjackctl + qsynth + rosegarden + oxygen8 = hang

Peter Howard pjh at coastal.net.au
Wed Apr 20 14:42:01 PDT 2005

This appeared _somewhere_ in the last flurry of updates I did.  I was also
using fluidsynth as a DSSI plugin, rather than separately, for a period as
well and it isn't happening in that configuration.  Sorry I can' be more
precise there :-(

What happens:  I start up jack via qjackctl, then fluidsynth via qsynth,
then rosegarden.  I then plug in my oxygen8 keyboard (midiman) and connect
it to rosegarden.  Some time later (not that long) the machine locks up. 
Or at least X does.  I haven't been in a position to try to ssh into the
machine to see if it is just X.

This happens with kernels 2.6.10-0.4.rdt and 2.6.10-2.1.ll  on FC3.  At
this stage I'm looking for suggestions for what to check/try next.


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