[PlanetCCRMA] Acer laptop
David Fraser
Sun Apr 17 11:40:02 2005
Peter Lutek wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 19:59:29 +0200, David Fraser <davidf@sjsoft.com>
> wrote:
>> Peter Lutek wrote:
>>>>> I got the impression that USB might be too slow for audio , but I
>>>>> may be
>>>>> mistaken... Are there situations that would require the speed of
>>>>> firewire? Initially input would be with mouse or (computer-)keyboard,
>>>>> but later, hopefully, a decent keyboard-synth. (This is very
>>>>> amateurish
>>>>> stuff, at least for now...)
>>>> USB is pleantly fast enough for audio, or at least a few channels of
>>>> it. I think the technical problems with USB lay more in how it does
>>>> the work technically, but not that it won't work. There are pleantly
>>>> of folks around using although I'm not.
>>> as one real-world example, i've recorded 18 channels of 44.1kHz
>>> audio to a single external USB2 drive with my acer laptop. no
>>> problems.
>> What model ACER laptop do you use? Does it work well with CCRMA?
> 4002WLMi
> RAM upgraded to 1Gb
> internal HD upgraded to 7200RPM
> don't know about CCRMA.... i'm actually running gentoo, and am happy
> with that. i did an FC2 CCRMA install on one of my spare drives early
> on, and don't recall any real problems, but i know i never fully
> tuned the machine for audio with CCRMA before moving to gentoo.
Great, thanks for the info