[PlanetCCRMA] FC3 versus FC2 - experiences [was: wierd hanging of jack, or some other process using fc3 edge kernel]

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Thu Apr 7 21:20:01 PDT 2005

Shayne O'Connor wrote:

>Mark Knecht wrote:
>>On Apr 6, 2005 8:23 AM, Shayne O'Connor 
>>>what are other people's experiences vis-a-vis stable kernel on FC3?
>>I couldn't get FC3 to even install on my Wife's hyperthreading machine
>>using the standard or SMP kernels. FC2 runs really well. Since all
>>three of use run Linux on our day-to-day machines I ended up stucking
>>with FC2 to make everything consistent. They are all Planet updated
>>with normal (non-edge) stuff. Things are working well.
>FC3 seems to be OK - i'm just gonna have to get off planet-edge, methinks.

well, i've managed to get my FC3 setup back on track - after much
stupidity messing around with alsa cvs drivers, i finally did the
sensible thing and settled on the previous alsa packages (had to fully
delete /lib/modules/2.6.11-rhfc3ccrma.rdt, or whatever, to get this
kernel and its alsa modules working again) ... the 1.08 alsa for EMU10K1
provides the multi-channel *capture* patch, luckily enough, so i can do
without the multi-channel playback for the moment.

things are looking mighty fine with this current setup, though:

*rtirq assigns priorities and interrupts as it should
*alsa starts up fine :)
*system is rock-solid with these settings in qjackctl:

input device: hw:0,2
ouput device: hw:0

input channels: 16
output channels: 2 (you can leave input/output as '0' in qjackctl)

sample rate: 48000

frames: 128 (seems pretty rock-solid even down to 64 frames, but i won't
confirm that until i've had a pretty good recording session at that sort
of buffer)

priority: 62 (is this correct? i changed this setting cos that's how i
interpreted Fernando's info about jackd using this priority now)

realtime: 1

unlock memory: 1

looking good - thanx for the help on this one Fernando!


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