[Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Sound playback freezes system after updating kernel-modules-alsa]

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Thu Apr 7 15:38:02 PDT 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>Hmmm, that should have no consequences, the rtirq script is meaningless
>> in the stable kernel as there are no separate processes and schedulling
>> priorities for the interrupts. A newer/better version I just got from 
>> Rui is in the works.
>Done, it is in the repository... you could upgrade if you want to test
>it. Could you check (before or after) what the priorities of the
>interrupts are? (the new version has much better reporting of the status
>- thanks Rui!):
>  /etc/rc.d/init.d/rtirq status

BEFORE changing rtirq:

[mrmachine at localhost ~]$ cat /proc/interrupts
  0:     359820          XT-PIC  timer  0/59820
  1:        199          XT-PIC  i8042  0/199
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade  0/0
  3:          1          XT-PIC  ehci_hcd  0/1
  4:          0          XT-PIC  ohci_hcd  0/0
  5:          0          XT-PIC  EMU10K1  0/0
  7:     243652          XT-PIC  parport0  0/38087
  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc  0/1
  9:          0          XT-PIC  acpi  0/0
 10:      20148          XT-PIC  nvidia  0/20148
 11:      36087          XT-PIC  eth0, ohci_hcd  0/36087
 12:      15381          XT-PIC  i8042  0/15381
 14:      12517          XT-PIC  ide0  0/12517
 15:         22          XT-PIC  ide1  0/22
NMI:          0
LOC:     359742
ERR:       5565
MIS:          0

[mrmachine at localhost ~]$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/rtirq status

  276 FF      80   - 120  0.0 S<   IRQ 8
 1457 FF      70   - 110  0.0 S<   IRQ 5
 1583 FF      60   - 100  0.0 S<   IRQ 3
 1649 FF      60   - 100  0.0 S<   IRQ 4
 1383 FF      59   -  99  0.1 S<   IRQ 11
  374 FF      50   -  90  0.0 S<   IRQ 1
   20 FF      49   -  89  0.0 S<   IRQ 9
  297 FF      49   -  89  0.0 S<   IRQ 12
  333 FF      46   -  86  0.0 S<   IRQ 14
  335 FF      45   -  85  0.0 S<   IRQ 15
 1267 FF      43   -  83  0.0 S<   IRQ 6
 3088 FF      38   -  78  0.0 S<   IRQ 7
 3984 FF      37   -  77  0.1 S<   IRQ 10


[mrmachine at localhost ~]$ cat /proc/interrupts
  0:      80920          XT-PIC  timer  0/80920
  1:         71          XT-PIC  i8042  0/71
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade  0/0
  3:          0          XT-PIC  ehci_hcd  0/0
  4:          0          XT-PIC  ohci_hcd  0/0
  5:          0          XT-PIC  EMU10K1  0/0
  7:       5702          XT-PIC  parport0  0/672
  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc  0/1
  9:          0          XT-PIC  acpi  0/0
 10:       3449          XT-PIC  nvidia  0/3449
 11:       6140          XT-PIC  ohci_hcd, eth0  0/6140
 12:       1009          XT-PIC  i8042  0/1009
 14:       9160          XT-PIC  ide0  0/9160
 15:         22          XT-PIC  ide1  0/22
NMI:          0
LOC:      80841
ERR:       5030
MIS:          0
[mrmachine at localhost ~]$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/rtirq status

  276 FF      80   - 120  0.0 S<   IRQ 8        XT-PIC  rtc
 1425 FF      70   - 110  0.0 S<   IRQ 5        XT-PIC  EMU10K1
 1551 FF      60   - 100  0.0 S<   IRQ 3        XT-PIC  ehci_hcd
 1618 FF      60   - 100  0.0 S<   IRQ 4        XT-PIC  ohci_hcd
 1593 FF      59   -  99  0.1 S<   IRQ 11       XT-PIC  ohci_hcd, eth0
  374 FF      50   -  90  0.0 S<   IRQ 1        XT-PIC  i8042
   20 FF      49   -  89  0.0 S<   IRQ 9        XT-PIC  acpi
  297 FF      49   -  89  0.0 S<   IRQ 12       XT-PIC  i8042
  333 FF      46   -  86  0.2 S<   IRQ 14       XT-PIC  ide0
  335 FF      45   -  85  0.0 S<   IRQ 15       XT-PIC  ide1
 1264 FF      43   -  83  0.0 S<   IRQ 6
 2936 FF      38   -  78  0.0 S<   IRQ 7        XT-PIC  parport0
 3860 FF      37   -  77  0.2 S<   IRQ 10       XT-PIC  nvidia

as you can see, nothing really changed except for the labelling ...
and it still locks up my machine, even if i change the priority in
qjackctl to 62 ...

>You could install the old rtirq package to see if this is the problem
>(all in one line):
>rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --test
>This will mess up dependencies but you could do this temporarily. See
>what happens whith the old version (ie: what it prints with the "status"
>argument). You could also send me the output of "ps -axuw" to see all
>the processes you have running, or "ps -axuw|grep IRQ" to just see the
>interrupt request processes. 
>It could be a problem in the alsa build, for some reason (obviously
>works here). You could try reverting to the old version. This should do
>  rpm -q -a | grep 1.0.9-0.2.rc1
>that should list alsa-driver and hte kernel-module-alsa kernel module
>packages, if that is correct then:
>  rpm -q -a | grep 1.0.9-0.2.rc1 | xargs rpm -e --nodeps 
>that should get rid of the old alsa packages
>apt-get update
>apt-get -f install
ok, i did this, and everything works fine - except this version of alsa
doesn't give me Lee Revell's multi-channel patch :(

so, it looks to me like it's the updated alsa modules that are causing
the problem - which reminds me: do i remember Alsa 1.09 RC1 needing a
patch from Lee to work properly with the EMU10k1? i'm sure Lee
recommended for all Soundblaster users to use RC2, not RC1?


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