[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA and RH EL and WhiteBox EL

Dan Harper tech at danharper.org
Thu Sep 30 20:54:01 PDT 2004

Hey Roy,

I've tried to use CCRMA RPMs on RHEL 2, and ended up killing the box.  I
didn't mess around with things too much, but from what I saw, they're
incompatible.  I'm not sure about more recent versions of RHEL.  I just
downloaded RHEL 4.0 Beta 1 but haven't installed it anywhere yet.


On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 12:32, Roy Vestal wrote:
> Has CCRMA been "certified" to run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or 
> WhiteBox Enterprise Linux?  I know that FC is the community forum for 
> testing the new products on RHEL, but does anyone know if RHEL can be 
> used instead of FC1/FC2?
> I am building a new Linux DAW and I plan on using Planet CCRMA, and I'd 
> like to use one of the EL's vs. a "beta" style OS that will have a 
> shorter lifespan.
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Dan Harper

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