[PlanetCCRMA] FC2.1vP9 - jackstart just quits...

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Sep 29 13:23:01 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 12:52, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 09:45, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > This would seem to suggest some problem with interrupts coming from the
> > soundcard. For some weird reasons moving the mouse must be enabling
> > interrupts from the soundcard, stopping the movements stall the
> > interrupts again and the jack watchdog timer kills everything. 
> Yes, logically this makes sense.
> With this distro I'm very unsure about ps aux showing me a process for
> each interrupt. Is this exxected as part of IRQ threading?

Yes, that is normal. 

> > This is definitely a problem with the P9 kernel in your hardware. 
> Seems to be. I do not think it's specifically the hardware. 

I mean the combination of your harware and this particular kernel. 

> Under this kernel IRQs are APIC basied and the sound chip is on 5 by
> itself. No clue on priority since it's APIC:
> flash mark $ cat /proc/interrupts 
>            CPU0       
>   0:    8399840    IO-APIC-edge  timer
>   1:       2927    IO-APIC-edge  i8042
>   5:        864   IO-APIC-level  ATI IXP
>  12:       2836    IO-APIC-edge  i8042
>  14:       9623    IO-APIC-edge  ide0
>  15:         12    IO-APIC-edge  ide1
>  16:      16378   IO-APIC-level  ohci_hcd, ohci1394
>  18:          0   IO-APIC-level  ohci_hcd
>  19:        970   IO-APIC-level  ohci_hcd, ohci_hcd, ehci_hcd, eth0
>  21:      23346   IO-APIC-level  acpi
> NMI:          0 
> LOC:    8398932 
> ERR:          0
> MIS:          0
> flash mark $ 
> How do I get your kernel to set up APIC interrupts? Or have you disabled
> that in your kernel build?

Hmmm, I'm not sure. I don't know if I have that disabled... Just checked
and all "APIC" options are "y". Do you have acpi on or off in the planet
ccrma kernel boot line? The default is "on", so try with "acpi=off" in
the boot line. 

I have seen problems with acpi=on and interrupts in an smp machine,
maybe it is not only with smp that that happens. 

-- Fernando

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