[PlanetCCRMA] No frills window manager

Andres Cabrera acabrera at teleset.com.co
Wed Sep 29 08:10:04 PDT 2004

Hi all,
I'm wondering how I can set up (or find information for setting up) a no 
frills window manager with my planet CCRMA FC1 installation (please 
remember that I am pretty new to linux...). I can only choose between 
gnome and kde. Would doing that improve realtime audio (or video- as in 
pd gem) performance significantly?

I would also like to ask Fernando if he has considered including blue 
and Cecilia (two excellent front ends for Csound) in the Planet 
repository. I have already installed both and they work great with the 
Planet. The downside for blue might be that you need to install java 
runtime. Cecilia runs out of the box (no need to 'make') since tcl/tk is 
already there for pd.

Information here:


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