[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 1 or 2

Mark Knecht markknecht at comcast.net
Mon Sep 27 09:44:01 PDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 06:46, R Parker wrote:
> The solutions for low latency in 2.6 are in the early
> stages of development. I think the average 2.6 user on
> these lists is someone that's interested in testing
> and reporting performance. The 2.4 kernel has been
> running stable for a pretty fair amount of time. Maybe
> a couple years or even longer.
> ron

Some of us are stuck. I have a new laptop with a new chipset. I get no
DMA support with a kernel older than 2.6.3, and I get no realtime
support with a kernel newer than 2.4.X.

what's a guy to do?

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