[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 1 or 2

R Parker rtp405 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 27 05:52:03 PDT 2004

--- Steve Harris <S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 26, 2004 at 08:08:37PM -0700, Ken wrote:
> >    I'd like to install Fedora and Planet, should I
> go ahead with core 1, or
> >    wait for core 2?  Can you upgrade easily from 1
> to 2?  Thanks,
> >    Ken
> I've upgraded from 1 to 2 on a few machines and it
> went quite smoothly.
> The planet packages may need a bit of cooercion to
> force an upgrade, I
> think I had to remove the -core package and install
> the new one.A

Aside from coercing the packages, how do you do an
upgrade? Is it as simple as pointing to the
appropriate application repository and hitting the
Synaptic Distribution upgrade button? 

Is there upgrade documents we should read?

I noticed Fernando likes to do an installation rather
than an upgrade.

I suppose it's not a bad idea to upgrade from RH9 to
FC1 if for no other reason than to prepare for the 2.6
kernel. Should I bother? I would be upgrading a backup
machine and not the main studio work box.


> - Steve
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