[PlanetCCRMA] Re: jack_fst - Library requirements

Timo Sivula timo.sivula at luukku.com
Sun Oct 31 05:49:01 PST 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 09:01, Mark Knecht wrote:

> Please replace this file in your jack_fst-1.2 directory, then make
> clean, make, make install.

a) I upgraded my wine and wine devel to 20041019:

localhost:~$ rpm -q wine wine-devel

b) I did: make uninstall, make clean, ./configure, make, and make
install in the fst-1.5 directory

c) I copied the jfst.c over the old one in jack_fst-1.2 directory and
did: make uninstall, make clean, ./configure, make, and make install.

Now B4 works as it did with the earlier version of wine.

br, Timo

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