[PlanetCCRMA] Re: jack_fst - Library requirements

Matthew Allen matthew at lith.com
Thu Oct 28 13:16:01 PDT 2004

I hope you guys don't mind me butting in but I have a question about a
different library which I am missing.

	I got plain old fst-1.6 to compile and install just fine (I had
to cp mkinstalldirs from the jack_fst directory over). However when I go
to ./configure jack_fst-1.2 it craps out on gtk+. I am running CCRMA FC1
(downloaded and installed on Tuesday). With this version of CCRMA I am
looking at gtk 1.2.10. If I get the rpms for gtk+-devel the amount of
dependencies is insane. Basically it wants me to upgrade gtk+ and pretty
much 75% of my current CCRMA apps seem to use it.

 	My question is this, how exactly are you guys running jack_fst?
Did you do a bunch of by hand updating? Are you all running the
expiremental FC2 stuff? I would prefer not to head down a doomed path
here (updating everything one rpm at a time).



> -----Original Message-----
> From: planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU 
> [mailto:planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] On Behalf Of Mark Knecht
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:36 AM
> To: Timo Sivula
> Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: jack_fst - Library requirements
> Timo,
>    I'm very happy my plodding with Wine is helping out a little bit.
>    Yesterday I determined the exact set of changes made to 
> Wine that cause jack_fst to segfault with newer versions of 
> Wine. I've filed a bug report with the Wine team and am 
> trying to see if I can make some headway on that account. I 
> need a newer version of Wine for other reasons. From VSTs, so 
> far anyway, it appears that 20040505 works very well for me. 
> Many VSTs work perfectly, or very close to it.
>    I see VSTs as very interesting and important to the Wine 
> developers. I hope I can make them see it the same way.
> Have fun,
> Mark
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