[PlanetCCRMA] Re: jack_fst - Library requirements

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 13:48:01 PDT 2004

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 15:13:16 -0400, Andres Cabrera
<acabrera at teleset.com.co> wrote:
> Excellent Mark!
> It took a while to download wine-20040505, but now jack_fst works
> alright! Cheeze Machine on Linux!
> There's some wierdness with other plugs but I'm on track. eg. you
> sometimes have to try loading a plug twice, etc.
> Did you notice that the segmentation fault occurs when there's some kind
> of redraw? Maybe when the bypass/mute buttons are added. I don't know if
> this is only on my system, but the gui changes place in the screen on
> loading, which didn't happen before (it crashed before that). I just
> mention this in case it gives you some clues.
> Andres

   Hey! Great news! (Sort of...) I'm glad you are making headway. 

   Yes, on my system there is a redraw of all VSTs. First it appears
in the upper left. It then disappears and reappears more centered in
the screen. All VSTs do this on my system with wine-20040505, but they
then work. Another person that contacted me off list from a Wine users
group has also told me that he sometimes has to load VSTs multiple
times but I do not see this. In my case (Gentoo or Planet/FC2) under
wine-20040505 they always work first time if they work at all. No VST
that fails will work even if I try it 10 times in a row. So, you and
he are identical and I'm 2% better I suppose.

   You may be onto something about the segfault happening when it's
redrawn. Most VSTs I never see using Wine newer than 20040505, but one
(VSTMidiMon) I do see the GUI drawn in the upper left. It then
disappears and then I get the segfault.

   There are some Wine options for doing 'desk management'. They are
in the config file, but if you want to use them then you need to copy
the config file from documents/samples to the .wine directory. Very
possibly some option in that file might address these problems. I will
try with and without these options, or possibly changing desk sizes
and see what happens.

   Thanks for the ideas! Maybe working together we can make some headway faster.

   Here are the VSTs I've run pretty successfully so far:


There are many others I'm playing with. 

- Mark

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