[PlanetCCRMA] ardour timing out ) ;

mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu mike at banta.psyc.missouri.edu
Wed Oct 20 21:03:01 PDT 2004

Hello all, 
I've never been able to boot the low lat. kernel on my machine, and 
manually patching a stock kernel fails too.  I've managed to have a decent 
system (very high latency), but now ardour keeps crashing during 
mixing..saying that jack shut down because ardour was too slow (jack keep 
running of course). My xruns are usually very high, but the following is 
after 5(18). 

Jack gives the following: 
alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 32.876 msecs
late driver wakeup: nframes to process = 2048.
late driver wakeup: nframes to process = 2048.
late driver wakeup: nframes to process = 3072.
subgraph starting at ardour timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=20, status = 0, 
state = Running)
client failure: client ardour state = Running errors = 1

I'm running rh9 with blackbox on a 2.8ghz celeron, with the newest jack 
and ardour (by ccrma apt).  Any advise on how I can remedy this, or should 
I work really hard to get a (FC1, FC2, ?) low lat. kernel to boot?

Thanks for any advise, I hope one day my creativity can catch up to the 
awsome power you've given my machine, 


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