[PlanetCCRMA] Lacie Firewire drive on Planet CCRMA

Andres Cabrera acabrera at teleset.com.co
Mon Oct 18 14:02:01 PDT 2004

the script did the trick! I have my firewire drive now!!
Thanks very much!
How can I make the script be called at startup or when the drive is plugged?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 09:46, Andres Cabrera wrote:
>>Thanks Fernando,
>>I'm actually trying to use my Lacie firewire hard drive, the internal 
>>cdrom is working fine.
>>Sorry for not being clear...
> I don't know why I though it was a cdrom. Too early, no coffee, sloppy
> reading :-)
>>Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 08:00, Andres Cabrera wrote:
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>I've been unable to use my Lacie firewire drive in FC1 Planet CCRMA. The 
>>>>drive works under knoppix kernel 2.4, so it should also work on the 
>>>>planet. Here's what I've found different:
>>>>On knoppix, there's no /proc/bus/ieee1394 directory.
>>>>On FC1 that directory contains the file "devices" which says:
>>>>Node[1-00:1023]  GUID[00d04b380e097569]:
>>>>  Vendor ID: `LaCie Group SA  ' [0x00d04b]
>>>>  Capabilities: 0x0083c0
>>>>  Bus Options:
>>>>    IRMC(0) CMC(0) ISC(0) BMC(0) PMC(0) GEN(0)
>>>>    LSPD(0) MAX_REC(64) CYC_CLK_ACC(255)
>>>>  Unit Directory 0:
>>>>    Vendor/Model ID: LaCie Group SA   [00d04b] / LaCie 1394 Disk drive 
>>>>LUN 0  [000000]
>>>>    Software Specifier ID: 00609e
>>>>    Software Version: 010483
>>>>    Driver: SBP2 Driver
>>>>    Length (in quads): 8
>>>>The file /proc/scsi/scsi on knoppix includes(apart from the cdrom):
>>>>Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
>>>>  Vendor: WDC WD16 Model: 00BB-00DAA3      Rev: 75.1
>>>>  Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 06
>>>>On FC1 it only includes the cdrom, when the fw drive should be there as 
>>>>Also on FC1 there is a directory (which is not there on knoppix) called 
>>>>/proc/scsi/sbp2_1 which contains the file "1" which contains:
>>>>Host scsi1             : SBP-2 IEEE-1394 (ohci1394)
>>>>Module options         :
>>>>  max_speed            : S800
>>>>  max_sectors          : 255
>>>>  serialize_io         : no
>>>>  exclusive_login      : yes
>>>>Attached devices       : none
>>>>I've already added the following to fstab:
>>>>/dev/sda2 /mnt/fw1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000,uid=root 0 0
>>>>/dev/sda3 /mnt/fw2 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=root 0 0
>>>>/dev/sda5 /mnt/fw3 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000,uid=root 0 0
>>>>Which were generated by knoppix, and work there.
>>>>Then trying:
>>>>mount /dev/sda2
>>>>mount: /dev/sda is not a valid block device
> Hmmm, it looks like it is being recognized at the low driver level. What
> happens if you run the rescan-scsi-bus.sh script? (or try rebooting with
> the disk attached). I'm attaching the script to this email....
> -- Fernando
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> # Skript to rescan SCSI bus, using the 
> # scsi add-single-device mechanism
> # (w) 98/03/19 Kurt Garloff <kurt at garloff.de> (c) GNU GPL
> # Return hosts. /proc/scsi/HOSTADAPTER/? must exist
> findhosts ()
> {
>   hosts=
>   for name in /proc/scsi/*/?; do
>     name=${name#/proc/scsi/}
>     if test ! $name = scsi
>       then hosts="$hosts ${name#*/}"
>       echo "Host adapter ${name#*/} (${name%/*}) found."
>     fi
>   done
> }
> # Test if SCSI device $host $channen $id $lun exists
> # Outputs description from /proc/scsi/scsi, returns new
> testexist ()
> {
>   grepstr="scsi$host Channel: 0$channel Id: 0*$id Lun: 0$lun"
>   new=`cat /proc/scsi/scsi|grep -e"$grepstr"`
>   if test ! -z "$new"
>     then cat /proc/scsi/scsi|grep -e"$grepstr"
>     cat /proc/scsi/scsi|grep -A2 -e"$grepstr"|tail -2|pr -o4 -l1
>   fi
> }
> # Perform search (scan $host)
> dosearch ()
> {
>   for channel in $channelsearch; do
>     for id in $idsearch; do
>       for lun in $lunsearch; do
>         new=
> 	devnr="$host $channel $id $lun"
> 	echo "Scanning for device $devnr ..."
> 	printf "OLD: "
> 	testexist
> 	if test ! -z "$remove" -a ! -z "$new"
> 	  then echo "scsi remove-single-device $devnr" >/proc/scsi/scsi
> 	  echo "scsi add-single-device $devnr" >/proc/scsi/scsi
> 	  printf "\r\x1b[A\x1b[A\x1b[AOLD: "
> 	  testexist
> 	  if test -z "$new"; then printf "\rDEL: \r\n\n\n\n"; let rmvd+=1; fi
> 	fi
> 	if test -z "$new"
> 	  then printf "\rNEW: "
> 	  echo "scsi add-single-device $devnr" >/proc/scsi/scsi
> 	  testexist
> 	  if test -z "$new"; then printf "\r\x1b[A"; else let found+=1; fi
> 	fi
>       done
>     done
>   done
> }
> # main
> if test @$1 = @--help -o @$1 = @-h
>   then 
>     echo "Usage: rescan-scsi-bus.sh [-l] [-w] [-c] [host [host ...]]"
>     echo " -l activates scanning for LUNs 0 .. 7 [default: 0]"
>     echo " -w enables scanning for device IDs 0 .. 15 [def.: 0 .. 7]"
>     echo " -r enables removing of devices        [default: disabled]"
>     echo " -c enables scanning of channels 0 1   [default: 0]"
>     echo " If hosts are given, only these are scanned [default: all]"
>     exit 0
> fi
> # defaults
> lunsearch="0"
> idsearch="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
> channelsearch="0"
> remove=""
> # Scan options
> opt="$1"
> while test ! -z "$opt" -a -z "${opt##-*}"; do
>   opt=${opt#-}
>   case "$opt" in
>     l) lunsearch="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" ;;
>     w) idsearch="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15" ;;
>     c) channelsearch="0 1" ;;
>     r) remove=1 ;;
>     *) echo "Unknown option -$opt !" ;;
>   esac
>   shift
>   opt="$1"
> done    
> # Hosts given ?
> if test @$1 = @; then findhosts; else hosts=$*; fi
> declare -i found=0
> declare -i rmvd=0
> for host in $hosts; do dosearch; done
> echo "$found new device(s) found.               "
> echo "$rmvd device(s) removed.                 "

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