[PlanetCCRMA] Lacie Firewire drive on Planet CCRMA

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Oct 18 10:27:01 PDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 08:00, Andres Cabrera wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been unable to use my Lacie firewire drive in FC1 Planet CCRMA. The 
> drive works under knoppix kernel 2.4, so it should also work on the 
> planet. Here's what I've found different:
> On knoppix, there's no /proc/bus/ieee1394 directory.
> On FC1 that directory contains the file "devices" which says:
> Node[1-00:1023]  GUID[00d04b380e097569]:
>    Vendor ID: `LaCie Group SA  ' [0x00d04b]
>    Capabilities: 0x0083c0
>    Bus Options:
>      IRMC(0) CMC(0) ISC(0) BMC(0) PMC(0) GEN(0)
>      LSPD(0) MAX_REC(64) CYC_CLK_ACC(255)
>    Unit Directory 0:
>      Vendor/Model ID: LaCie Group SA   [00d04b] / LaCie 1394 Disk drive 
> LUN 0  [000000]
>      Software Specifier ID: 00609e
>      Software Version: 010483
>      Driver: SBP2 Driver
>      Length (in quads): 8
> The file /proc/scsi/scsi on knoppix includes(apart from the cdrom):
> Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
>    Vendor: WDC WD16 Model: 00BB-00DAA3      Rev: 75.1
>    Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 06
> On FC1 it only includes the cdrom, when the fw drive should be there as 
> well.
> Also on FC1 there is a directory (which is not there on knoppix) called 
> /proc/scsi/sbp2_1 which contains the file "1" which contains:
> Host scsi1             : SBP-2 IEEE-1394 (ohci1394)
> Module options         :
>    max_speed            : S800
>    max_sectors          : 255
>    serialize_io         : no
>    exclusive_login      : yes
> Attached devices       : none
> I've already added the following to fstab:
> /dev/sda2 /mnt/fw1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000,uid=root 0 0
> /dev/sda3 /mnt/fw2 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=root 0 0
> /dev/sda5 /mnt/fw3 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000,uid=root 0 0
> Which were generated by knoppix, and work there.
> Then trying:
> mount /dev/sda2
> gives:
> mount: /dev/sda is not a valid block device

Hmmm, I think /dev/sdn (where n is the "letter" of the device) is only
for hard disks, you could try /dev/scdn, I think those are the devices
you want for cdroms. 

-- Fernando

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