[PlanetCCRMA] module load - unresolved symbols?

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 16:02:00 PDT 2004

I don't have one, but I've heard that if you try the SMP kernel and
then use 'top' it will show you what the usage of each HT CPU is.

Might be fun to try.

- MArk

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:46:17 -0400, Joe Hartley <jh at brainiac.com> wrote:
> On 17 Oct 2004 15:04:16 -0700
> Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> > If hyperthreading is enabled then you are probably running an smp kernel
> > (do uname -r to see what you are booting into) after all.
> xtc:~% uname -r
> 2.4.26-1.ll.rh90.ccrma
> > HT uses spare
> > cycles in the P4 processor to run two "processors" in parallel,
> > depending on what software you run you can have from 0% to 15-20% more
> > performance.
> Hmmm, that's what I get for not paying attention to the hardware front!
> So I'm guessing my choices here are
>   1) turn off hyperthreading in the BIOS or
>   2) install the smp version of the kernel.
> I don't see more than one processor in the dmesg output, but I haven't
> rebooted yet to see how it's currently set in the BIOS.  Assuming I
> have a choice here, does anybody who has been down this road before
> have any preferences?
> --
> ======================================================================
>        Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
> Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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