[PlanetCCRMA] Re: apt broken after installing ATrpms?
Axel Thimm
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Sun Oct 17 06:02:01 PDT 2004
On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 10:28:00AM +0100, Nathaniel Virgo wrote:
> I finally decided to go ahead and install ATrpms over the top of my
> Planet install, but now whenever I run apt, apt-cache or synaptic I get
> [root at sherka nev]# apt-get update
> E: Could not open file /etc/apt/rpmpriorities - open (2 No such file or
> directory)
> E: could not open package priority file /etc/apt/rpmpriorities
> I do remember playing with apt's configuration files at some point but I
> thought I'd put them all back how they were. There were several errors
> and warnings that appeared when doing apt-get update - the ones that
> seem relevant are:
> 9:apt ###########################################
> [ 10%]
> warning: /etc/apt/vendors.list saved as /etc/apt/vendors.list.rpmsave
> warning: /etc/apt/sources.list saved as /etc/apt/sources.list.rpmsave
> warning: /etc/apt/rpmpriorities saved as /etc/apt/rpmpriorities.rpmsave
> warning: /etc/apt/apt.conf saved as /etc/apt/apt.conf.rpmsave
> 10:synaptic ###########################################
> [ 11%]
> 11:atrpms-package-config warning: /etc/apt/apt.conf created as
> /etc/apt/apt.conf.rpmnew
> warning: /etc/apt/rpmpriorities created as /etc/apt/rpmpriorities.rpmnew
> warning: /etc/apt/sources.list created as /etc/apt/sources.list.rpmnew
> warning: /etc/apt/vendors.list created as /etc/apt/vendors.list.rpmnew
> ########################################### [ 12%]
> Can't open /etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory.
Wow, that's a funny bug. Both the old and the new packages are afraid
to take responsibility on the modified configuration files. Never seen
this before, looks like an rpm bug/feature ... (?)
> Anyway, the *.rpmsave and *.rpmnew files are there in /etc/apt -- should
> I just copy them so they have the right names and if so which ones?
Yes, I'd move the *.rpmsave back to the normal names to get the old
and known working configuration back. Then I'd install
medley-package-config from http://atrpms.net/name/medley-package-config/
(which will install under *.rpmnew) and merge/takeover con fig files
according to your personal preferences. Or you could start with the
medley-package-config files and modify them from there.
> Is this supposed to happen?
No, that was quite unexpected.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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