[PlanetCCRMA] vstserver-wine and other compiles on planet fails

Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Thu Oct 14 06:54:03 PDT 2004

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Timo Sivula wrote:

> This may be the wrong list to ask, but anyway.
> I have been trying to compile vstserver-wine for my planet CCRMA box for
> a while. Of some reason my PC hangs after about 20-25 minutes of
> compiling. I re-installed fedora core 1 and did the planet CCRMA
> updates, but this still happens. The PC hangs also when I try to compile
> a Kernel or do a long transcoding of video.
> At first I thoght I had a CPU overheating problem with my silenced PC.
> However, the CPU stays at a comfortable 45C during kernel and wine
> compilation. Also after 10 hours of SETI at home the CPU still is only
> at 48C. It is also worth mentioning that the PC stays completely stable
> running SETI for over 10 hours at 48C CPU temp while it hangs after 20
> minutes of vstserver compiling at 45C.
> Then on Kjetil's recommendation I also did a memory check using
> memtest86 v 3.1 I had the test running for 4 days: not a single error.
> I would appreciate ideas on what to test next.

Remove all soundcards and the net-card, turn off all unnecessary things
in bios (serial-card, parallell-card, usb, firewire, etc.), and see
if that helps. If that helps. turn back on everything one at the time.
Try also to set down the speed on memory, cpu, other stuff, in the 
bios, perhaps there is a safe-mode option or something.


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