[PlanetCCRMA] A computer keyboard based drum machine program

Luc Tanguay lucus at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 8 12:12:01 PDT 2004


it can be done with Hydrogen.  See below for the mapping.  However I 
don't know if the mapping can be changed.


Z = Kick
X = Snare Jazz
C = Snare Rock
V = Tom Low
B = Tom Mid
N = Tom Hi
M = Cowbell
Q = Ride Jazz
W = Ride Rock
E = Instrument No. 17 (currently not assigned)
R = Instrument No. 18 (currently not assigned)
T = Instrument No. 20 (currently not assigned)
Y = Instrument No. 22 (currently not assigned)
U = Instrument No. 24 (currently not assigned)
S = Stick
D = Hand Clap
G = Closed HH
H = Pedal HH
J = Open HH
2 = Crash
3 = Crash Jazz
5 = Instrument No. 19 (currently not assigned)
6 = Instrument No. 21 (currently not assigned)
7 = Instrument No. 23 (currently not assigned)

Matthew Thorley a écrit :

> Greetings! I would like to know if any out there knows of any programs 
> that fit this description. I have looked all over the web ad havn't 
> found anything. Perhaps some one may have an idea.
> I am looking for a program that turns my computer keyboard into a 
> virtual drum set. I would like to be able to map certain keys to 
> specific drum sounds, eg spacebar=kick, enter=snare etc? If such a 
> program is not availible is there a program that will turn my computer 
> keyboard into a midi input device? Then I would be able to run a midi 
> compatible drum program like hydrogen, and use my keyboard to play 
> drums that way.
> Thanks very much
> -Matthew
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