[PlanetCCRMA] Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out there?

Phil Moors pmoors at greenbelt.com
Mon Oct 4 19:29:01 PDT 2004

On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 01:39:15PM -0700, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out
> 	there?

Have you looked at Lyx? http://www.lyx.org. It's a gui front end that
supports docbook and many other latex templates. You can export to html,
pdf and other formats from lyx.


> On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 13:19, Steve Harris wrote:
> > Actually if you were using XSLT to do your transforms you could just start
> > with whatever you liked and transform it into multiple docbook format
> > docs, you could eg start with something you can sed your latex source
> > into. I'm not a fan of writing docbook, its much too verbose.
> That was my feeling also, all the macros I define in latex have also the
> important goal of hidding verbosity and reduce typing. 
> > > > FWIW though, I would stick to latex :) If it aint broke dont fix it.
> > > 
> > > My feeling as well, the current implementation of the site is simple, I
> > > like that. 
> > > 
> > > Except that it is broken in a way. Not only would \ifthenelse or
> > > something equivalent be interesting to have for translations (at least
> > > for the way I picture translations could be done). It would be really
> > > nice to have different main pages specific to the different versions of
> > > the distributions, all generated from the same source. For that to work
> > > I'd also need conditionals...
> > 
> > You could use m4 or something, but at that point a 21st century solution
> > starts to look more tempting :)
> I agree, it has to be just one syntax, mixing latex and m4 would only
> add confusion. If anything, I could write my own little parser to try to
> implement a simple preprocessor that can recognize simple latex
> conditionals and output processed latex. But there _must_ be something
> like that already done, right? :-) 
> Another option would be to hack into latex2html and see how they do the
> htmlonly and latexonly conditionals and replicate that for my own
> purposes (but then it is now longer the standard latex2html). 
> Of course it could also be argued that using conditionals is not
> realistic, if you start adding them left and right the source could
> become unreadable very fast. But that is something I can control. 
> -- Fernando
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