[PlanetCCRMA] just some feedback
Duke Jonathan Jason
sysnon at tin.it
Sat Oct 2 03:44:01 PDT 2004
ah, I forgot to mention that I use a soundblaster live and a dualboot
enviroment with xp, running with grub
Duke Jonathan Jason wrote:
> hello,
> I just wanted to give this little succesfull report.
> about, 1 year ago I tried first time to install planet ccrma suite
> with isos on cds on a redhat9 distro.
> had some troubles making all work without error messages, but wasn't
> all that mess.
> anyway it took me much time to understand some simple things that on
> linux require much research for who is not involved enough in it. and
> that is still a lack of the system behaviour in itself, that, despite
> the recent iprovements toward a normal user, with a more intuitive
> approach, the situation remains still in advantage in xp and macosx
> systems, because of the less tech barriers that help focusing on makin
> music, with quality and stability.
> this time I had the opportunity to make a network installation, on a
> fedora core 2 distro.
> all worked fine, then I tried to run all the audio/video apps for a
> check.
> I encountered a little problem when trying to run audio apps using
> jack, such as muse or ardour,
> I had an issue with the realtime capabilities.
> then I found this, after little time
> from
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/changelog.html#latestplanetcoretwo
>> The realcap kernel module: If you want to run Jack with realtime
>> scheduling but without being a root user then you have to load the
>> realcap module. You can use this init script to get this loaded when
>> the machine boots. It is a first version I wrote today and should be
>> extended to be in a nice package of its own with docs and more tests
>> for corner cases. But this is a start. To activate the automatic load
>> of the module copy the script to /etc/rc.d/init.d/realcap and
>> activate it:
>> /sbin/chkconfig --add realcap
> I did it, and worked.
> and I happily run all the apps with no problems....
> this time has been easier, and it took muuuuuch less time than the
> first, with all that detailed engineering and tweakin.
> for example I simply discovered that there's a visual app called
> somethin like jackcontrol, which makes u run jack server, whitout the
> need to run it on shell.
> anyway some apps are still oldstyle (I started makin music on computer
> with protracker on amiga, then fastracker2 on pc, lol), also if they
> do their work. and probably a reason or live application like on linux
> will be a real kickass when it will appear. actually they could go
> with wine, but haven't tested it yet.
> the cubase rival is already muse also, if I have just given a glance
> of the overall suite of programs of planet ccrma.
> consider that this last feedback on apps is just from a user point of
> view, by a programmer point of view, this is a huge great work that
> just deserve congratulations and further support.
> that's it, good work Fernando :)
> ---
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