[PlanetCCRMA] No ADC (or IPGA) controls using M-Audio AP 2496 card

Rohan ccrma-rohan at bowtie.com.au
Fri Oct 1 22:37:01 PDT 2004

Hi All,

I have an install of Planet CCRMA ontop of FC1
   $ uname -a 
   Linux studio 2.4.26-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma #1 Sat Apr 17 21:19:40 PDT 2004 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
   $ rpm -q alsa-tools
   envy24control version = 0.1.0

After software installation I've installed a M-Audio Audiophile 2496
(ICE1712 based) soundcard.
I've successfully run various alsa & jack based apps on this card
everything runs ok. EXCEPT that the input (ADC) gain appears to be
set very low, too low for any useful recording.

Running envy24control, gives me only 2 DAC sliders in the 'Analog Volume'
tab. No sliders to adjust ADC, even though running it returns the following;
    $ envy24control
    using    --- input_channels: 2
             --- output_channels: 2
             --- pcm_output_channels: 8
             --- spdif in/out channels: 2

Forcing envy24control to use 2 input and 2 output channels (-i 2 -o 2) gives
the same results. However, forcing 1 input and 1 output results in;
    $ envy24control -i 1 -o 1
using    --- input_channels: 1
         --- output_channels: 1
         --- pcm_output_channels: 8
         --- spdif in/out channels: 2
    Unable to read adc volume: No such file or directory
    Unable to write adc volume: No such file or directory
    Unable to read ipga volume: No such file or directory
    Unable to write ipga volume: No such file or directory

The 'Analog Volume' tab now displays 1 DAC 1 ADC and 1 IPGA slider, however
adjusting the ADC slider results in further 'Unable to write adc...' messages.
With Further 'Unable to write adc ..' messages when 
(with no change to input volume).

I've searched the archives, and it doesn't appear that this is a common
problem.  Does anyone have any idea what the problem is, and any pointers
where I should start looking for a solution.


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