[PlanetCCRMA] Re: 2.6.7 ccrma kernel and usb / nvidia support

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Fri Nov 19 16:39:01 PST 2004

> This will print LOTS of stuff (normally) and what the program was doing
> before the crash may yield more information...

you're right - there's HEAPS  of output. is it just the initial stuff
that's useful here? in light of my recent reply to rick's post (gnomad2
is now running, detecting my zen touch - only thing is, i'm not sure of
what 'fixed' it ...) my main aim is to find out what is making this so
temperamental - now that it IS working, will the "strace gnomad2" reveal
any meaningful information about what may have been causing the problem?

what sort of output should i be looking for?

oh, rick - forgot to ask in my reply to your post - how can i stop those
services from starting at boot? can i just uninstall them from my system
(i keep trying not to select them from the install options - i select
'custom' install - but somehow they keep popping in there), or should i
just change their runlevel in the services configuration program?


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